Subject: Re: An other problem
To: Cecil Eduardo Campos Costa <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/06/2002 10:41:24
On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Cecil Eduardo Campos Costa wrote:

> The nerwork and the internet is working fine, I've already installed the
> mozilla and some others programs. The problem now is the that I
> installed the amiwm and the icewm but i can't run it. In Linux I just
> have to write startx amiw, but in netbsd it isn't by this way... Anyone
> knows the solution?

It seems like startx(1) (and X in general) is the same for each operating
system I have used it on. But then again, the term "Linux" is vague --
maybe your specific Linux distribution had its own special "startx".

I know another message answered your question. Since your question was
about startx, you can find some documentation about it by typing:

 man startx

This manual page explains how to start clients (like a window manager) and
shares an example .xinitrc file.

   Jeremy C. Reed