Subject: Apache + php4 + mysql
To: None <>
From: Randy Arabie <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/26/2002 10:45:21
Hi everyone,

I've just done a fresh install of NetBSD 1.5.2  onto an 
AlphaStation 255.  I'm new to NetBSD and new to the Alpha 

I want to run Apache, MySQL, and PHP together.

I'm installing all packages via the pkgsrc route.  What manual 
editing of the config files is necesary, at what point do I do 

I've looked in the FreeBSD and NetBSD manuals, and searched the 
FAQ's and can't seem to find these steps outlined.  

I've not had any trouble doing installs and compiles with the 
pkgtools.  I really like them, IMHO it is better than many of
the Linux package management systems.




Randy Arabie
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