Subject: boot hangs on rc.local -- my fault
To: None <>
From: Gan Uesli Starling <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/18/2002 18:31:25
I edited /etc/rc.local to start up the daemon at

...but I forgot the "&" at the end. So I get this
at boot...

Updating motd.
starting local daemons: Starting mysqld daemon
with databases from var/mysql

...and there it hangs. I can't do anything with
it. The other login screens are all blank. I was
away from home on the laptop at the time. The
battery would not last, so I had to turn it off.

Now it will reboot, but it has to mark the file
system clean. FTP refuses connection, so does SSH
and I have TELNET disabled in /etc/inetd.conf.

I tried booting on the boot.fs1 and boot.fs2
floppies. 'Sokay there. But I can't do this...

mkdir oops
mount -t ffs /dev/wd0a /oops

...because the file system is not clean. It asks
for fsck, which I can't do from the boot.fs
floppies because there is no /etc/fstab.


Is there some way let the machine boot, mark its
file system clean and interrupt prior to entering
/etc/rc.local? some key-press? secret mantra or
lodge sign?

...or some way to force a reboot with the floppy
installed that does not require a keyboard

I'm kinda stumped.....




Mysterious Starling -- Rarest Extinct Bird
   <(+)__        Gan Uesli Starling
     ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA

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