Subject: Re: Would NetBSD run on IBM RISC System/6000 ?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/11/2002 00:14:48
On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 05:47:36AM -0500, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
> We just
> bought a couple of RS6000 M80 systems to run our production database
> (PostgreSQL) and there turned out to be a problem.  Something was
> causing the database to Kack and we could not recover.  In fact we
> couldn't even kill the processes so that we could restart it.  We wound
> up jumping to a PC running NetBSD in order to get through Christmas, our
> busiest time of the year.  Unfortunately a PC is not going to be able
> to handle the volume by the time next Christmas rolls around so we need
> to get this or something else working by then.  It sure would be nice
> to see NetBSD running on these.
>  - Is there someplace we can throw money at to make this port happen?
>  - What is the best choice for a NetBSD machine that can handle a lot
>    of database transactions.


There is more than one place you can throw money at if you want to run
NetBSD on your RS/6000 next Christmas.  I suggest you toddle over to
Wasabi at  

