Subject: Re: NetBSD install missing things?
To: Thomas Mueller , <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/01/2002 16:48:42
If you're on a normally installed NetBSD (NetBSD/i386 1.5.2 in this case,
but that should have little impact) system, you have in /bin:

[          csh        echo       ksh        mv         rcp        sleep
cat        date       ed         ln         pax        rm         stty
chio       dd         expr       ls         ps         rmail      sync
chmod      df         hostname   mkdir      pwd        rmdir      test
cp         domainname kill       mt         rcmd       sh

and in /sbin:

atactl          fsck_msdos      mount_ext2fs    mount_union     route
badsect         fsdb            mount_fdesc     newbtconf       routed
ccdconfig       fsirand         mount_ffs       newfs           rrestore
clri            halt            mount_filecore  newfs_lfs       rtsol
dhclient        ifconfig        mount_kernfs    newfs_msdos     savecore
disklabel       init            mount_lfs       nologin         scsictl
dmesg           ipf             mount_mfs       ping            setkey
dump            ldconfig        mount_msdos     ping6           shutdown
dump_lfs        lmcctl          mount_nfs       poweroff        slattach
fastboot        mbrlabel        mount_ntfs      raidctl         swapctl
fasthalt        mknod           mount_null      rcorder         swapon
fdisk           modload         mount_overlay   rdump           sysctl
fsck            modunload       mount_portal    rdump_lfs       ttyflags
fsck_ext2fs     mount           mount_procfs    reboot          tunefs
fsck_ffs        mount_ados      mount_ufs       restore         umount
fsck_lfs        mount_cd9660    mount_umap      rndctl          wsconsctl

...which are all statically linked.  (Read: Even when /usr isn't mounted,
these will run.)

I recommend knowing your way around ed(1).  You never know when you'll
have to use it, and it works *everywhere*.  (Maybe I should say
``_because_ it works *everywhere*''.)  That is, it works on just about
every UNIX-alike OS, and you can also use its interface in the absense of
any graphics---and almost any terminal---features.  Yet it's capable of
most editing tasks you might throw at it.  You can use ed to examine, and
modify, your /etc/rc.conf file.

As for an ``official 3 CD set'', I'm not sure what on earth that could be.
I can't find anything that could pass for such at the site.  Single disk, single architecture official
images, sure (and there are rather more than a mere 3 of those).  *Two*
(unofficial) multiiple architecture CD's, yes.  An ``official 3 CD set''
for all supported architectures?  Nope.  I'm skeptical that you could even
fit them all onto 3 CD's, though you might pull it off.

It's also worth noting that LSL does *not* list an 11-disk NetBSD option.
They list a 4-disk option that they sell.

If you can't/won't maximally simplify your install, and won't try another
source for your CD's, then you might contact LSL.  At least ask them to
provide the URL for this ``official 3 CD set'' that you say that they have
sold to you.

They probably don't have the time or resources to make a really custom
version, so *probably* they did something pretty generic and *probably*
their CD's work as expected.  But it's not clear what they've sold you.
And knowing what you've got may help in figuring out why your system is
not doing what you expect.

  ``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''