Subject: Re: Using ipfw
To: Mark Yovorsky <>
From: Andrew Doran <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/31/2001 23:57:45
Mark Yovorsky <> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I didn't see
> another list for firewalls. is more appropriate for this kind of query.
> I'm in the process of moving my firewall from ipchains on a Linux
> machine to ipfw on a NetBSD machine.
ipfw is part of FreeBSD. I think you mean to say ipfilter. :-)
> In my ipchains firewall, when I block a host completely, I add it to a
> custom "banned" chain (which then DENY's the ip), rather than using a
> DENY rule. I do this so that I can tell what was blocked - the specific
> port or the entire ip.
> Is there a way to do this in ipfw (create custom firewall targets)?
Have a look at this - it should explain most if not all of what you need to
know about ipfilter.