Subject: NetBSD install missing things?
To: None <>
From: Thomas Mueller <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/26/2001 06:33:28
I finally installed NetBSD 1.5.2 base system from CD on the new computer, but it
seems to be more barebones than anticipated.  Some things I know were in the
base system, from downloading 1.5.1 and seeing what was in FTP directories for
1.5.2, didn't install.  No "which", no "man", no "du". no X, no vi or nvi, no
manpages, no documentation, no pkgsrc or other pkg*, so no way to install
packages (like having a lot of nails and screws but no hammer or screwdriver).
Only editor I found was ed.  I thought sysinst would install the entire base
package plus X if desired, and I most certainly want X.  Maybe sysinst installed
only base.tgz and kern.tgz, and I have to install the rest by tar xzvf xxxx.tgz,
replacing xxxx in turn by each of the installation sets not already installed.
Of course I would have to mount the CD and prefix xxxx.tgz with the path.

I booted from the CD without using the floppy (3.5", 1.44 MB) drive.  This is
better than I achieved on the old computer, Cx486DX2-S at 66 MHz, where NetBSD
never got through the boot process from diskettes or DOSBOOT, CD-ROM not

Computer is Athlon 1300 MHz, 40 GB hard disk, NetBSD partition is primary, aboutt
7 GB.  CD drive is Plextor CD-RW.

Next step is to install Slackware 8.0 (Linux) so I have something that works,
including LILO, which I believe would be the best boot selector for a system
that includes DR-DOS 7.03 (primary partition), Linux (logical partitions),
NetBSD (primary partition), and I was going to include OpenBSD, but that gave me
"pckbd: command timeout" and hung after I responded to the opening menu
following CD boot.