Subject: Re: How to back up from one hard disk to another... ?
To: None <>
From: Robert Kennedy <robert@theory.Stanford.EDU>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/26/2001 17:49:13
> | dump obviously isn't useful for the task I have in mind because it seems to
> | think strictly in terms of creating a monolithic archive file, not in
> | terms of copying files needing backup to individual target files on
> | the backup disk.
> Actually, dump is perfect for this task - dump makes backups, it is the
> only real tool dedicated to that purpose, it is almost certainly what you
> should be using (rsync as suggested is another possibility, with slightly
> different capabilities).
Hmm. OK, thanks for the info.
> If you want the backup expanded (individual files, rather than the
> monolithic file), just use dump -f - | (cd destination; restore -f -)
> (and all the other options for dump of course).
Does this method handle deletions that have taken place since the last
backup was done? I'd like whatever technique I use to remove files
from the backup disk that have been deleted from the main disk since
the last backup was done.
-- Robert