Subject: Re: DNS (named) Config Files
To: None <>
From: BASTIEN Nicolas Bruno <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/25/2001 04:56:40
If I have well understood what you are asking.
You just want to configure named to forward your
DNS request to another DNS server.
Am I right ?
The named that you are trying to configure
is not used to resolve any name, just forward request.
Am I still right ?
So, for this, you just have to put the good IP
in this section "forwarders"
and not to forget to put the keyword "forward only"
and nothing more
Even if your named is used to resolve name in your
local network, you don't have anything else
to change.
I hope that is what you were asking for.
May NetBSD be with you.
Nicolas Bruno BASTIEN