Subject: Re: Two interfaces on same network
To: None <>
From: Thomas Mueller <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/22/2001 04:17:08
from Manuel Bouyer <> :

>On Wed, Jan 04, 1978 at 02:01:49AM +0200, Arto Huusko wrote:

>You machine has wong time. this caused me to miss your message because
>it was not at the bottom of my mailbox.

A mail program should download the messages in order and not jumble them!  Then
the date on the message doesn't mess things up.  But isn't it usually the SMTP
server, not the sender's computer, that produces the Date: line?  I thought
1978 was out of the range of current computers' recognition.

I remember during my 80 days with the graphical and buggy Ultimail Lite under
OS/2 Warp 4, I would see the messages arrive and be rearranged, which I found
confusing and annoying.  Ultimail Lite once transposed the month and date,
mistaking March 1 for Jan 3, and I found the message but not immediately.  Moral
of the story is to keep the messages in order of arrival at the server and not
to let the email program sort by date.