Subject: strange process filling root
To: None <>
From: Greg MATTHEWS <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/06/2001 13:35:26
i keep seeing this in my logs:
Aug 4 04:41:00 potomac /netbsd: uid 32767 on /: file system full
Aug 4 04:41:06 potomac last message repeated 7 times
i think on a cpl of occasions this has stalled my box so that console/telnet
dont respond it has to be hard booted. there are no other logs around this
uid 32767 is the user 'nobody' so what process is filling up my root?
the following turned up nothing at all:
potomac# find / \( -user 32767 -or -group 39 \) -print
potomac# df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sd0a 24863 20117 3502 85% /
/dev/sd0d 31063 5755 23754 19% /var
/dev/sd0g 1827282 856222 879695 49% /usr
/home is soft linked to /usr/home. ok so root partition isnt very big but what
is filling it up? the closest thing to 4:41am in crontab is:
30 4 * * 6 /bin/sh /etc/weekly 2>&1 | tee \
/var/log/weekly.out | sendmail -t
user nobody has no shell no login and no home directory. there is no password
in /etc/master.passwd (just *). what is nobody up to? suggestions?