Subject: Re: Xwindows
To: =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?yuksel_em=FDnoglu?= <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/01/2001 09:13:18
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, yuksel em=FDnoglu wrote:

> Linux's X server can aotomaticly detect my video card  but in NetBSD I=20
> should configure it and but is never the same as linux(RedHAT 7.1) what=
> should I do to make it auotomaticly configured by NetBSD should I install=
> new Xserver (I use NetBSD 1.51) and if so how can =FD install it and from=
> I can find it ...

If you are using the same X server for both, then try taking the
Linux-created XF86Config file and using it for the NetBSD box. Under
NetBSD, it is located at /etc/XF86Config. (That is if you still have it.)

Also, do some searches on google and altavista for XF86Config and your
video card and monitor; I have often found working configs.

   Jeremy C. Reed