Subject: linux emulation
To: None <>
From: yuksel emınoglu <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/01/2001 08:25:26
I want to connect to internet so I tried to emulate linux.And I downloaded
Federico Lupi's Short guide .Then I installed
rpm-2.5.4.tgz but my problem is redhat . I use redhat so I can do not know
how to install it
firstly Federico said that 'first install suse_base package' but what
should I install for RedHat then he says you should install
suse_compat,suse_libc5 and suse_x11 what are this in RedHat
is there anyone can help me about tahat subject or is there a howto or
something like that to describe me this problem's solution.
Istanbul / TURKEY
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