Subject: Re: Newbee help required
To: Steve Brown <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/29/2001 18:28:16
On Tue, 29 May 2001, Steve Brown wrote:

> Hi, I am a newbee, and wondered if anyone knew how to install ymessenger
> from the Redhat binary onto a NetBSD 1.5 system?

Easy. (Build or) install the NetBSD "misc/rpm" package, then, as root

  rpm --initdb
  rpm -i --ignorearch --ignoreos --nodeps ymessenger-0.93.0-1.i386.rpm

will create the single file "/usr/local/bin/ymessenger"! That answers
your question, but in order to actually _run_ it, you'll need to
install the "emulators/suse_linux" package.

Everything you need to know about the package system may be found at
one of the following URI's, or if not, ask a question here or on
