Subject: Re: kvm switch disrupts mouse input
To: None <>
From: Tom Rushworth <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/19/2001 12:13:09
On Sat, May 19, 2001 at 05:33:29PM +0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> In article <>,
> Nigel Reed <> wrote:
> >For what it's worth, I also have Belkin OmniCube, mine is a 4 port.
> >NetBSD wont even recognise there is a mouse connected - if I plug in
> >a mouse directly, NetBSD finds it with no problem. This is with the
> >wsmouse configuration. I just put it down to one of those NetBSDisms.
> >
> >I did try different cables in case that was the issue.
> Cheap kvm switches don't have a way to reset the mouse or store
> its configuration for each port. If one OS set's up the mouse one
> way and a second set's it up differently (as is the case with NetBSD
> and win2k as you have discovered) you lose. It is cheaper and easier
> to have two mice instead of bying an expensive kvm switch. Of course
> this solution does not scale well :-)
> christos

I have a "cheap" KVM from Rose Electronics - the "Vista".  It stores
the config for each port and works very well for me.  I don't normally
use windows, but one of the 4 machines on the switch is a dual boot
Windows/Linux box and I can switch from Windows to NetBSD and back.

I do manage to confuse the switch every once in a while, but it is
only every 3 months or so.  I can't remember if the last time I
managed it was before or after Christmas.

Tom Rushworth