Subject: Re: Newer National based (e.g. Netgear) cheap gigabit cards?
To: Jason R Thorpe <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/15/2001 17:37:39
On Tue, 15 May 2001, Jason R Thorpe wrote:


> I am currently working on a driver for the National Semiconductor DP83820
> Gigabit Ethernet (the DP83861 is the PHY part, wich I am also writing
> a driver for, but is not 100% necessary in order to support the Gig-E
> function of the MAC).


[sorry - big snip]

> How much do the NetGear cards cost?  The Asante card apparently costs
> around $149 (geez, gone are the days when you paid $250 for a 10base2
> card!!).

'bout the same cost.  I think I saw 'em for about $129 or such.

Do these things look like good performers, or is it still worth it to go
for the $$$ and buy a big, shiny, expensive network adapter?  Once you've
a bit of experience with the adapter, I'd love to hear your opinion...

Thanks a bunch.

 "'The chicken,' it's been said, 'is just an eggs way of making more
  eggs.'" -- Alton Brown