Subject: Netbsd and linux NIS troubles
To: None <>
From: Matt Bell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/09/2001 13:06:46
I have a netbsd-1.5 NIS server which is working fine that also serves two
other netbsd NIS clients without any problems. I also have a redhat
linux-7.1 box that i want to set up as a NIS client. So i go ahead and
configure it by setting the propper nisdomain, server hostname etc... yet
it doesnt work. I try a ypwhich to make sure im connected and it returns
the hostname of the server. I then try a ypcat on one of the keys like
passwd.byname and it spits out all of its contents like it is supposed to
do. The only thing that i can see that could be wrong is that linux has
that shadow passwd file that is in a differnt format then the BSD's
master.passwd. I guess what i am trying to say is that has anyone set
something up like this before and if so how did you do it?
thanks in advance,