Subject: RE: ftpd setup?
To: 'Eric Fox' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/29/2001 09:33:42
	Cool. Thanks to all for the info. With these directions from Eric,
and the man pages in hand, I should be all set now. Thanks again to all for
your help!

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Eric Fox []
-> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 11:49 PM
-> To: David Woyciesjes
-> Cc: ''
-> Subject: Re: ftpd setup?
-> To setup anonymous ftp:
-> 1. Create a user account 'ftp', lock it by leaving a '*' in 
-> the passwd
-> field -- it's home directory is where you'll be keeping 
-> anon-ftp files. 
-> I
-> went ahead used /home/ftp.
-> 2. In /etc/ftpusers, add the line 'ftp allow'.
-> 3. Make the home directory -- It needs to be owned by 'root' and have
-> permissions set to 755.
-> 4. Make ~ftp/bin, owned by root, set to 555.  Copy /bin/ls 
-> into it and
-> set
-> it's mode to 111.
-> 5. Make ~ftp/etc.  If you want ls to produce usernames/groupsnames
-> rather than uid/gid's then a copy of /etc/pwd.db and 
-> /etc/group need to
-> be
-> placed there -- frankly, I consider this a risk and skip it. 
->  However,
-> you
-> can put motd in there, which gets displayed upon login.
-> 6.  Create ~ftp/pub.  This directory and any subdirectories should be
-> owned by the user accounts, or groups, being used to maintain and add
-> files to them.  It's mode should be either 755 or 775.  They 
-> should NOT
-> be
-> owned or writable by ftp or its group.
-> 7.  If you want to enable anonymous uploads, create 
-> ~ftp/incoming.  The
-> owner should be 'ftp'.  If you wan't anonymous ftp users to see the
-> names
-> of files in this directory, set it's permissions to 770, or 
-> set them to
-> 370 to make them 'blind'.  If everything is setup correctly, 
-> anonymous
-> users will be able to upload files, but not download them, 
-> delete them,
-> or
-> overwrite them.
-> Good luck.
-> -- 
->   /\---/\  Eric J Fox
->  /  o o  \
->  \.\   /./ ---------------------------
->     \@/    "Of course it runs NetBSD."
-> David Woyciesjes wrote:
-> > 
-> >         Does anyone know of a how-to somewhere to assist 
-> in seting up the
-> > ftpd server on NetBSD 1.5? I've read the man page, but I 
-> found myself
-> > wanting more info. Thanks for your help...
-> > 
-> > ---   David A Woyciesjes
-> > ---   C & IS Support Specialist
-> > ---   Yale University Press
-> > ---
-> > ---   (203) 432-0953
-> > ---   ICQ # - 905818