Subject: Re: ftpd setup?
To: David Woyciesjes <>
From: Eric Fox <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/28/2001 21:48:59
To setup anonymous ftp:
1. Create a user account 'ftp', lock it by leaving a '*' in the passwd
field -- it's home directory is where you'll be keeping anon-ftp files.
went ahead used /home/ftp.
2. In /etc/ftpusers, add the line 'ftp allow'.
3. Make the home directory -- It needs to be owned by 'root' and have
permissions set to 755.
4. Make ~ftp/bin, owned by root, set to 555. Copy /bin/ls into it and
it's mode to 111.
5. Make ~ftp/etc. If you want ls to produce usernames/groupsnames
rather than uid/gid's then a copy of /etc/pwd.db and /etc/group need to
placed there -- frankly, I consider this a risk and skip it. However,
can put motd in there, which gets displayed upon login.
6. Create ~ftp/pub. This directory and any subdirectories should be
owned by the user accounts, or groups, being used to maintain and add
files to them. It's mode should be either 755 or 775. They should NOT
owned or writable by ftp or its group.
7. If you want to enable anonymous uploads, create ~ftp/incoming. The
owner should be 'ftp'. If you wan't anonymous ftp users to see the
of files in this directory, set it's permissions to 770, or set them to
370 to make them 'blind'. If everything is setup correctly, anonymous
users will be able to upload files, but not download them, delete them,
overwrite them.
Good luck.
/\---/\ Eric J Fox
/ o o \
\.\ /./ ---------------------------
\@/ "Of course it runs NetBSD."
David Woyciesjes wrote:
> Does anyone know of a how-to somewhere to assist in seting up the
> ftpd server on NetBSD 1.5? I've read the man page, but I found myself
> wanting more info. Thanks for your help...
> --- David A Woyciesjes
> --- C & IS Support Specialist
> --- Yale University Press
> ---
> --- (203) 432-0953
> --- ICQ # - 905818