Subject: panic: softdep_deallocate_dependencies: dangling deps
To: None <,>
From: Mike Cheponis <mac@Wireless.Com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/25/2001 23:09:36
Help! I'm running 1.5 on K6-2/400 256MB 45G IDE disk w/softdeps on.

I had created a file a little larger than 2^32 bytes and was copying it
various ways: cp, cat, and finally trying to use "dd" - that's when the
panic happened.  

$ cat 4GB >4g2

$ ls -l 4*
7148403 -rw-r--r--  1 mac  wheel  4,452,539,200 Feb 25 20:56 4GB
7148404 -rw-r--r--  1 mac  wheel  4,452,539,200 Feb 25 21:53 4g2

$ df
Filesystem  1024-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a        274487    50831   209931    19%    /
/dev/wd0e      41742980 23905920 15749911    60%    /usr
mfs:105          120887        3   114839     0%    /tmp
kernfs                1        1        0   100%    /kern

$ dd if=4GB of=4g3

This is where it crashed.  At the time, here is what "top" was displaying
in another window:

load averages:  2.16,  2.23,  2.14                                     22:14:33
47 processes:  2 runnable, 40 sleeping, 4 stopped, 1 on processor
CPU states:  4.0% user, 60.4% nice, 31.7% system,  3.0% interrupt,  1.0% idle
Memory: 82M Act, 2788K Inact, 376K Wired, 140M Free, 513M Swap free

 1216 mac      104   20    17M   16M run     127.7H 56.35% 56.35% setiathome
29504 mac       -5    0    72K   72K sleep     8:07 34.28% 34.28% dd
  276 root       4  -20    37M   37M sleep    20.6H  5.96%  5.96% ntop
  259 root     -12  -20   212K  668K onproc   11:37  0.00%  0.00% top
 4824 root       2    0   268K 1084K run       0:13  0.00%  0.00% sshd

The Kernel Debugger says:

panic: softdep_deallocate_dependencies: dangling deps
Stopped in dd at cpu_debugger+0x4    leave

"ps" to the debugger for the "dd" process yields:

PID 29504  PPID 284  PGRP 29504  UID 1000  S 7  Flags 0x4006

"show registers" produces:

es	0x10
ds	0x10
edi	0xc0261700 vm_rfc1048+0x3440
ebp	0xd2460c54
ebx	0xd2460c74
edx	0xc0250fe0 vga_stdscreen
ecx	0x4c000
eax	0
eip	0xc01fc6ac cpu_Debugger+0x4
cs	8
eflags	0x202
esp	0xd2460c54
ss	0xc0260010 kernel_map_entry.126+0x10df0

I have not rebooted the machine, and can type at the debugger to get
additional information.

Thanks for all help!
