Subject: Re: Setting up different mail user groups and apply mail size limit to these groups
To: Stanley Ma <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/13/2001 21:28:41
On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 02:30:39PM +0800, Stanley Ma wrote:
> Hello
> I would like to know how to set up different mail user groups and apply mail sizes limit to these groups in my company.  
> Your suggestions are greatly appreciated!  Thank you very much and I am looking forward for your reply.

You mean, size of a single message, or size of a mailbox ?
The former I don't know (maybe with procmail ?)
The later: install user quotas. You'll have to edit quota for each users, but
I can give you ways to make this easier.

Have a look at the quota, edquota, etc ... man pages.
add 'userquota' option to your mail spool filesystem in /etc/fstab
run 'quotacheck -a; quotaon -a' with a quiet system (shut down to single
user mode if needed)
repquota -a will report the actual quotas
use edquota to add quota for each user.

Manuel Bouyer <>