Subject: Re: Shrinking a partition
To: Rakhesh Sasidharan <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/05/2001 12:51:57
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Rakhesh Sasidharan wrote:

> I have a 10 GB partition, of which around 8 GB is used.  Now, I have to
> shrink that partition to 9GB due to certain reasons (more specifically,
> remove 1 GB from the end of the disk). I edited my disklabel, and reduced
> the size to 9GB, and (surprisingly) things seem to work alright.  Is this
> OK, or could I run into probs later on ?  Or is there some way to move all
> the data to the beginning of the partition, and then do the above ? (It is
> an ext2fs partition, on an i386; and I also have Linux installed, if
> that might help).

I am surprised that it is currently working for you.

I have successfully used the DOS program called FIPS to resize partitions
successfully. You may want to search for it and give it a try.

   Jeremy C. Reed