Subject: Re: backscrolling on virtual consoles
To: Nigel Reed <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/23/2001 13:22:13
>I have a KVM switch and the hotkey is activated by pressing
>scroll lock twice. Therefore if I want to page up, I have to
>be sure not to toggle too quick.

also not a good idea.  :)

>Hopefully someone will have the foresight to add something so that
>the "toggle" key can easly be changed since, for me, scrollback
>might as well not even be there.

something like the "break" code that is slowly making it's way into
the tree.

>And who said "Scroll lock has already been coded into FreeBSD" or
>something like that - I thought NetBSD was its own beast, since
>when has NetBSD answered to FreeBSD? What is the advantage to
>using NetBSD if we just take FreeBSD and add it in? I'm sure
>that there is more to it than that, enlighten me someone. 

the wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to
choose from.  here are three: linux (i believe) uses ctrl with pgup
and pgdn to scroll, which i believe is based on the xterm behavior
(xterms use shift with pgup and pgdn), and freebsd uses scroll lock
with pgup and pgdn.

the linux console way and the freebsd console way are both equally
abhorant to me on this particular laptop, but whichever way is
actually chosen is, at this point, bound to upset of or confuse some
people.  oh well.

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