Subject: Dynamic DNS
To: None <>
From: John <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/14/2000 23:08:07
Hello.  This isn't really a NetBSD specific question, but I'll ask it
anyway since there are several knowledgable people on this list and all
the other docs I've read and people I've asked have been no help.

I've been trying to implement dynamic zone updates for the purpose of
adding a failure detection and remedy facility to the normal round robin
load balancing in BIND.  But, it refuses to work.  In the mean time, I
just hacked some code to do the zone file updates manualy, but, ick...

BIND 8.2.2p5 returns NOTAUTH and BIND 9.0.0rc5 returns NOTZONE (if I
remember correctly).  I'm using the perl module Net::DNS.

named.conf is as folows:
(I'm not trying to use anything extremely bleeding edge like DNSSEC)

zone "" in {
        type master;
        file "";
        allow-update {localnets;};

And one of the many incarnations of perl code were like so:

$res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
$update = new Net::DNS::Update("");
#$update->push("update", rr_del(""));
#$update->push("update", rr_add(" A"));
$update->push("update", rr_add("hmmm 28800 IN A"));
$ans = $res->send($update);
print $ans ? $ans->header->rcode : $res->errorstring, "\n";

I can retrieve records with the perl module just fine, but any
modifications fail.  I created the zone file by hand and left the RR(s)
I wanted to create out.  Should I try to create the entire zone file
using dynamic update?  Are there any good docs on this out there I may
not have read?  Does Net::DNS not work well and I should try a different
lang like C (examples would be great)?  Any help would be greatly
apreciated.  Thanks


John Merriam