Subject: Re: behavior under heavy payload.
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Reinoud <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/21/2000 11:42:12
> This depends on how much work you have to do to serve a single page.
> If it's just HTML files, then it should be OK (a P100 with 32MB can serve
> up to 10000 rq/hr). Now if you have to run cgi scripts, then it depends on
> how much compute power it needs.

It's more like 10000 requests simultaniously, even up to 50000.
The database server is indeed an other machine but connected to the
webserver. That is, seperated by a firewall and content filter.

> I guess you want to filter on contents only for some protocols, rigth ?
> proxy softwares may allow you to do this.

Okay, any good proxy software you can advise me?
To point is more like, ppl can do queries on the website which will be
send to the database server. Now, i wish content filtering to check first
that ppl wont send very strange queries to try if its vunerable to
overflows and other stuff, especially in perl so much is still possible.
This is more the kind of filtering i wish.
