Subject: Re: Problems configuring a LAN
To: Jaume Samperiz <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/11/2000 06:41:47
On Thu, 11 May 2000, Jaume Samperiz wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all excuse my english.
> I' m trying to learn TCP/IP with Wright & Stevens "TCP/IP Illustrated
> Volume 2" .So I installed NetBsd 1.4.2. But I can make my little LAN work
> with the NetBsd.I have two computers:
> 1) W95/NetBsd 1.4.2 with ne2000 card. Address
> 2) W95/NT 4.0/Linux with ne2000 card. Address
> When I installed NetBsd I didn't configure the LAN so I have to do manually.
> My problems with machine
> 1) When NetBsd boots it don't configure the ne2000 but
> auto_ifconfig= YES in rc.conf.
Okay - in order for the autoconf mechanism to work, there needs to be a
file called /etc/ifconfig.ne1 - this file needs to contain the
ifconfig commands to configure the interface. It's just the parameters
which should be passed to ifconfig - it's not a script. Example:
Normally, I'd do a simple setup with ifconfig such as:
# ifconfig ne1 inet netmask
So, place these parameters into the file /etc/ifconfig.ne1:
inet netmask
That's it. When you boot, it will automatically create routes to get to
that local network (default route is setup differently - take a look at
BTW - are you sure it's ne1? Usually if you have a single ne card in
there, it should show up as ne0, but it may be something I've never run
across before...
> 2) Trying to configure the ne1 interface with things like:
> *** ifconfig ne1 inet arp netmask
Simpler form: ifconfig ne1 inet netmask
The 'arp' should be implied.
> *** route -nv add -host
> don't work. Netstat -rn shows things like:
> *** 10/24 link#1 UC 0 ne1
> *** 00:40:33:35 UHL 0 lo0
> *** link#1 UHRL ne1
> what is link#1?
In this case, ne1...
> 3) Should I change ?:
> routed=NO
> gated=NO in rc.conf
No - not unless you need to run those daemons. Those are routing
> 4) Where can i found more information about the output of netstat ?
'man netstat'
Hope this helps,
"There is no fourth tower of Inverness!!!" -Meatball Fulton