Subject: nmap results
To: NetBSD Help <>
From: Philip Brodd <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/18/2000 14:50:18
I ran an nmap scan on my mac68k 1.4.2 machine and got these strange
results (the actual command was nmap -v -O):

Interesting ports on kenny:
Port    State       Protocol  Service
22      open        tcp        ssh
137     filtered    tcp        netbios-ns
138     filtered    tcp        netbios-dgm
139     filtered    tcp        netbios-ssn
1080    filtered    tcp        socks

TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
                         Difficulty=8440526 (Good luck!)

Sequence numbers: 2AD9680C 2BDC5435 2C6F6484 2D501BA2 2F60EE5A 309434CA
Remote operating system guess: NetBSD 1.3I (after 19990119) or 1.3.4

I say strange because I'm not running Samba (which I assume uses those
netbios-* services), and I'm not altogether sure what socks is.  Port 22
is the only one I expected to see in the results; netstat -an shows
nothing on ports 137-9 and 1080.

Is this just a quirk of nmap?  If not, how do I close off these ports?


Phil Brodd