Subject: Re: File caching absent?
To: Technolord <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/29/2000 15:46:28
On Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 01:00:52PM +0200, Technolord wrote:
> What are soft updates?
A mechanism that maintains order of delayed writes. This guarantees that
the on-disk content is always in a recoverable state.
> Okay, this explains the write part, but not the "no read caching", or
> "too small to be noticeable". I tried it again without luck, if I read a
> file, and then re-read it (file, directory, whatever), the disk gets
> accessed again.
Hum, what mount options do you have ?
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.