Subject: upgrading issue.
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Koornstra <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/23/2000 23:54:17

I wish to remark something about the make build.
Very soon it starts with: cd /usr/src/share/mk && make install
Then it goes to the libs,. builds them and does an install.

Okay, i understand we need the new libs to compile the new userland but.
I am sure, many of you experienced that things wont always go right and
things could 
crash, that is..... stops with error codes etc. Now what if you get
sometimes stuck in some libs. This wil cause you to be permanently unable
to compile anything. I have never been there with netbsd luckily, but it
could happen. I was thinking of something like: being FIRST able to build
all, and that is all, check if things went okay and after that
install all. That is what freebsd offers in upgrading. And i like that
option cause that way nothing will go wrong if the makes will keep
failing. Okay, normally the make build is a great test if you have nice
hardware which holds fine. This is a nice messure.
Dont take me wrong here, i like netbsd most of all, but that is a part
from what i have seen from freebsd what i think is nice.

Is there a way to do something similair in netbsd?
