Subject: Re: cryptic startup and manual help
To: dkphoto <>
From: Brian Stark <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/17/2000 15:08:49
On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:
> Um, I have authored many technical articles for magazines. Wouldn't I
> have to first understand the current documentation in order to improve it?
Yes, but at the same time the send-pr command can be used to request
a change for documentation that you think is written poorly. In this way
you can flag poorly written documentation so that others with the
appropriate technical expertise can review the problem report and then
determine the necessary course of action for improving the documentation.
| Brian Stark | Internet : |
| Siemens PT&D, Inc. | Voice : +1 612 536-4697 |
| Power Systems Control Division | Fax : +1 612 536-4919 |
| 7225 Northland Drive, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428 USA |