Subject: Installation disk's
To: None <>
From: zac speidel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/08/2000 13:53:03
Here is my problem...
Machine: i386 and version 1.4
I ordered a netbsd 1.4 cd off of, made
2 installation disk's. One named boot1.fs and the
other boot2.fs. I followed all instructions in the
INSTALL.txt that was included on the cdrom but I keep
getting the error,
booting fd0a: netbsd - starting in 0
1544192+169544read data: Input/output error
boot: fd0a: netbsd: Input/output error
booting fd0a:netbsd.gz
Please remove disk 1, insert disk 2, and type
open netbsd.gz: No such file or directory
boot: fd0a: netbsd.gz: No such file or directory
It lists other .gz extentions as well.
(The Disks I put the .fs files on are formated, and
were checked for bad blocks.)
For anyone that can help me solve this problem. I am
offering a 6 million dollar reward. Ok, not really.
But if you can please email me back at
''and give me some idea's,
suggestions etc.. on what I should do..
Thanks, and have a great day.
-Zac Speidel
Please email me back, I am not currently on this list.
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