Subject: worked....
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Koornstra <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/28/1999 21:11:48
Thanks to Manuel Bouyer i could do a make build.
First i got all the source with sup.
Then i compiled a new kernel, an 1.4.1 kernel.
After that i rebooted and went to /usr/src
Twice my make build gave problems there.
But the last time, it went all well and after 2 hours, some longer, the
build was completed.
I dont know why, i dont know why this time all went well...... but it
worked...... Strange....
At his moment i am doing a make build in /usr/xsrc which didnt have a
makefile in the beginnging....??? so i had to make it self makefiles.
Well, it is now an hour bussy.
Okay after the build of x had also been done....
Does that mean i upgraded all of my system? Do i then have the same result
as installing the 1.4.1 from nothing?
FOrgive my ignorance.