Subject: Re: upgrading 1.4-1.4.1
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Thilo Manske <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/22/1999 00:32:26
On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 05:00:19PM -0400, Michael G. Schabert wrote:
> >Currently i run netbsd 1.4 for i386.
> >I wish to upgrade to version 1.4.1
> >This can be done with sup.
> >What should be in the sup file exactly to upgrade ALL the source....
> >Can anyone give me a detailed help what to do exactly and in what
> >order.....
> 1) Forget you ever heard the command "sup".
> 2) Download the 1.4.1 binary release for your architecture.
> 3) Install a 1.4.1 kernel & reboot.
> 4) Unpack the 1.4.1 binaries with tar -zxpf (NOT etc.tgz, though)
> 5) Reboot and you're up with 1.4.1.
Generally the "safe" way, but 1.4.1 is just a patch release.
So if you already have 1.4 running and the sources for 1.4:
1) get the source patches,
2) apply them
3) configure && make && install your {new} kernel
4) reboot <- probably not neccessary
5) cd /usr/src/ ;make cleandir && make build
6) reboot
I did it this way, as I did with 1.3->1.3.1->1.3.2->1.3.3 upgrades.
It will be more difficult for i386 users, when 1.5 will be released
(a.out->ELF transition)
Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.