Subject: Re: wscons serial mouse
To: Zach Fine <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/21/1999 19:33:08
On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 03:56:08PM -0700, Zach Fine wrote:
> Is there a way to use a serial mouse as a wscons mouse? None of the
> supplied drivers will work for me, including opms. I've had to leave
> the mouse support out of my kernel and left the Pointer section of my
> XF86Config using /dev/tty00.
> Thanks for any info.
AFAIK you can't use a serial mouse as a wscons mouse at the moment.
Lennart Augustsson <> is working on "moused" daemon
(port from FreeBSD) which could be used with a serial mouse.