Subject: Re: KDE and GIFs
To: Space Case <>
From: <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/19/1999 17:15:58
>On Sep 17,  5:23pm, Hume Smith wrote:

>>Once upon a time (kde 1.1), kview and kfm would display GIFs.  Now they

>>don't.  kview gives an error message ('Can't load file'); kfm just ignores

>>them.  PNG, JFIF, and XPM (at least) work fine.  I can't right off think

>>of other KDE programs that deal with general images.


>I'm way behind on both KDE mail and NetBSD mail, but there's been some

>concern on the part of the KDE developers about the actions being taken

>by the GIF patent owner (Unisys?).

Could be.  Except:

- the patent only affects LZW-using GIFs (which, granted, is probably most)
and if i'm not too mistaken only -compression-, not decompression.

- i'm apparently the only one complaining, making me think I'm the only one
having trouble (making me think i'm the only one with the trouble)

- said trouble now having expanded to include PNGs (I spoke too soon, above)
which inline as mostly-black messes on kfm. (I have other libpng-using
software, eg Nijtman's Tk extension, which has worked all along)

I'm not too worried about it, as my own kludge of a browser is working far
better than kfm in inlines and forms anyway.

