Subject: Re: KDE and GIFs
To: None <>
From: Agent Drek <drek@MonsterByMistake.Com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/17/1999 15:34:54
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
|Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 12:53:19 -0500 (CDT)
|From: Frederick Bruckman <>
|To: Hume Smith <>
|Subject: Re: KDE and GIFs
|On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Hume Smith wrote:
|> My last two installs of the KDE pkgs have refused to handle GIFs. it
|> started with kde-1.1.1, whenever that came out, under 1.4 or maybe even
|> 1.3.3. Now i have NetBSD 1.4.1/i386 and kde*-1.1.2 and giflib-3.0 for it.
|> Still no GIFs.
|I don't use kde, so forgive me for not knowing which programs are
|supposed to support gifs. If there is a program that you think should,
|you could use `ldd' to see if it's even linked with giflib. Or perhaps
|'find /usr/pkg/bin -name k\* | xargs ldd | less +/gif' would turn up
|> I'd assumed before that it was simply an error in building the kde-1.1.1
|> package; i took it only shortly after 1.1.1 was released. No-GIF wasn't
|> annoying enough for another DL... but I think it must be something else now.
|First of all, what does it mean to not support gifs? Are there no
|programs linked with giflib, or do the programs that are, fail.
|What happens exactly when you try to load a gif, with what program?
|> (I'm hoping for a better suggestion than 'strip the machine and reinstall
|> everything'... I could call M$ for that answer :)
|Now, now, I've never seen anyone post advice like that here. Be nice!
|Most of us are doing this for FUN.
never posted here but here goes (cause I use KDE)
kview will display gif's fine for me. Try that program and then report any
errors that you encounter.
Monster By Mistake Inc > 'digital plumber'