Subject: Re: bootable cdrom howto?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/13/1999 20:18:44
In message <>, mcmahill@m writes:
>Is there a howto on making a bootable CD-ROM? I'm interested in several
>different arch's. I've poked around and haven't had any luck finding
>instructions on how to do this.
Haven't seen a howto, but it would be short
mkisofs -R -o 1.4.1.iso -c boot.catalog -b boot.fs 1.4.1
makes an ISO image of the directory '1.4.1', using 'boot.fs' as the
bootable filesystem image, and storing a boot catalog (some laptops need
this to boot) in 'boot.catalog'.