Subject: Re: most FreeBSD-like Linux
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: Mikhail Teterin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/11/1999 21:00:25
Michael Richardson once stated:
=>>>>> "Mikhail" == Mikhail Teterin <> writes:
= >> Why not use NetBSD or OpenBSD?
= Mikhail> On Alpha they all have the same limitation of only
= Mikhail> being bootable from SRM. Only Linux can be booted from
= Mikhail> what's called "MILO", as far as I understand :( See
= Mikhail>
= I tried Linux on an Alpha 266XL, which only comes with ARC. It failed
=miserably with misaligned DMA transfers. I was not impressed, so we
=returned the box and will buy an SRM capable box soon.
Mmm, Debian seems Ok so far on this 300XL. I just rebuilt the kernel to
2.2.12 (the latest stable) and am installing other "unstable" packages.
Things seem fine. No crashes. If I could return/replace it, I'd probably
do it, but I can't -- this was, essentially, a freebe. So I'm going to
make the best of it. Too bad, *BSD is not an option :(
I'd suspect, it would not be impossible to cook up a version of
FreeBSD's boot/loader, or even of a kernel itself to be bootable from
MILO, but it probably is not clean and/or "politicly correct".
Thanks for your input,