Subject: RE: time isnt right.....
To: Reinoud Koornstra <>
From: Mike Pelley <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/09/1999 16:35:30
> I changed now several times my time in the bios.
> Then i booted netbsd and set the right date and
> time with "date" However, everytime i boot
> netbsd again, even if the bios time is correct,
> the netbsd time isnt correct....
> I dont know how to make the changes correct and permanent.
The hardware clock is usually set to GMT in NetBSD. If your machine only
runs NetBSD, that should be fine - just set the clock with date and it
should look good when you reboot. If you run another (non-unix) operating
system on the same machine, like Windows, then you will probably want to
make the hardware clock run local time.
So far as I know, the only way to do this is to recompile your kernel with
the "RTC_OFFSET" set to your time zone (actually, it's the number of minutes
west of GMT you want your hardware clock to be).
> Oh yes and i see PDT with the time zone.
> But i have CET time zone. How to change that?
> Couldnt find how to change that with date.
For this one you just have to replace /etc/localtime with a link to the
proper time zone file (from /usr/share/zoneinfo). Something like "cd /etc;
rm localtime; ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Eastern" should fix that up,
although you will probably not want that one ;o)
CU! Mike.