Subject: Re: X Windows hang with NetBSD 1.4 (i386)
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/07/1999 06:48:25
In article <>,
James T. Nelson <> wrote:
>I am running 1.4 on a Pentium 133 with 16 Meg RAM and 4G SCSI disk, and the
>system hangs when running X. This occurs under fvwm2, twm, and kde. Hanging
>usually occurs after the window manager is up and running and I run something
>like emacs in an xterm. Other things cause it to hang as well, such as
>opening up the preferences window in kde. The system hangs at various points,
>not repeatable, though appear to be related to opening a new window. However,
>it hangs in every X session, unless I exit before doing any significant stuff.
> The only way out is to reboot.
upgrade to 1.4.1... There were some serious problems with the rnd device in
1.4 that caused hangs (or compile a kernel without rnd).