Subject: Re: Unable to upgrade 1.4 to 1.4.1...
To: Brian Stark <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/06/1999 09:50:33
On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Brian Stark wrote:
> [...]
> upgrade. sysinst told me it detected wd0 and wd1, and I
> told sysinst to use wd0. sysinst then ran fsck for all ffs
> file systems defined in my fstab file. during this process
> sysinst told me it could not process file system wd2h and
> aborted. I then remembered that when I attempted to upgrade
> from 1.3.3 to 1.4 I had this same problem (sysinst knows it
> will only work with wd0 and wd1, but it still insists on
> trying to mount the file system I had defined on wd2h). I
Could you open a PR on this? While its not the main problem,
it would be good to note it so it can fixed.
> then commented out my file system on wd2h in fstab and
> began the upgrade process again. This time the fsck
> operations completed successfully, installboot installed
> the biosboot.sym file. When I got to the section where I
> am prompted to select the location of the files I selected
> the option for an unmounted file system. Following what
> is in the installation notes for the i386 port (item 14,
> entitled, "Installation from an unmounted filesystem"),
> I specified wd0g for the device, ffs for the filesystem,
> and distrib as the directory. When I tried to continue
> with these settings it failed and I saw the message:
> "distrib could not be mounted on local device wd0g"
Since wd0g is your /usr partition, any attempt to mount it elsewhere
is going to run into trouble - if you mount it elsewhere sysinst is
not going to be able to mount it on /usr to perform the install.
Actually - it should already be mounted by sysinst on /usr so you
should be able to select 'local directory' (I forget the exact name)
from the install menu.
-=- "Old Red he died, and every single landlord in the district cried" -=-