Subject: Re: Setting up a serial printer
To: Robert Kennedy <robert@Theory.Stanford.EDU>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/05/1999 19:54:24
You originally asked on port-i386, but this is a more general question and
the only reply that I saw on port-i386 was re. cabling, so I've
cross-posted this reply to netbsd-help. I assume that your concerns are
more at the system & software level, than at the cabling level.
An excellent place to start is the following URL:
Although served off of the FreeBSD pages, and biased towards FreeBSD, it
covers a lot of useful information.
``man printcap'' is also a good source of some information, as well as
``man lpr''. I don't see any specific LaserWriter support in GhostScript,
but if the LaserWriter is compatible with another variety of printer (or
has postscript support built in), then you should be able to get good
output from it. (GhostScript is a freely available PostScript interpreter
that can drive many printers, as well as display directly on an X11
window. A version of GhostScript is available in the NetBSD packages.)
I don't know anything about the Apple LaserWriter, but perhaps you can
sort it out for yourself from GhostScript, or perhaps someone on
netbsd-help can give more insight.
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."