Subject: Re: net-problems
To: Marton Fabo <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/03/1999 10:24:53
On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 01:07:59AM +0200, Marton Fabo wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a little modem-lan IPNAT router running 1.3.3, and there is
> something wrong with it when I try to send emails from a machine on the lan
> through the router to an SMTP server outside. I tried it with many email
> clients under multiple OSs, each stops sendig mail at about 12k. Sniffing
> the smtp-conncetion doesn't show any error messages or such. Is it possible
> for example that the router can't forward packets larger than a given size,
> and the mail clients try to send a bigger one? Or something similar? I
> haven't try it with 1.4.1 though.
Did you check MTU on both interfaces ?
Are you sure icmp messages don't get blocked at one point ?
If there is a machine doing path MTU discovery and ICMP messages are blocked
it will not work.
> Amother one: I set up sup to handle my pkgsrc, but each time I wanna sup,
> it responds 'SUP: can't find my host entry'. What may be the problem?
I think you need to add an entry to /etc/hosts for what the
hostname command says.
> And, when I have a pkg already installed, that is needed by another I want
> to install, but I don't have its package file in the pkgsrc/distfiles then
> 'make fetch-list' will include the already installed package, that I don't
> want to download again. Is there a way to avoid it beyond to manually
> filter it? If I just do 'make' will it download the pkg that is already
> installed?
No it shouldn't.
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.