Subject: Re: Could somebody help me connecting to ISP using pppd?
To: Kanghoon Lee <>
From: Joel Reicher <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/24/1999 22:34:52
> I have just installed NetBSD 1.4 on my machine and was trying to connect to
> ISP using pppd.  I followed faq and setup chat script, but I still could not
> get it to connect.  When I looked at the error file, it seemed to get hung
> up after the ISP sends the login: prompt.  My chat script doesn't seem to
> send login name and password.  In my chat-script, I typed in
> login: #klee <-- I had to type "#" in front of my login name in Win95.
> ssword: klee

The problem is probably that your chat script should read


at this point. chat alternates lines between expecting to receive the
specified text and sending the text. What's above means that chat will
expect login: and then send #klee, etc.

BTW, that # is really strange.


	- Joel Reicher