Subject: Re: speeding up key repetition
To: None <>
From: S J Horan <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/18/1999 04:10:57
>   You can use the following (in your /etc/rc.local, for example):
>         /sbin/wsconsctl -w repeat.del1=300
>         /sbin/wsconsctl -w repeat.deln=30
>         /sbin/wsconsctl -w repeat.del1.default=300
>         /sbin/wsconsctl -w repeat.deln.default=30
>   All values are milliseconds.

Thanks, this helped a bit.

X is still slow though, and doesn't seem affected by this.

Do you know anything I can do in regard to this? Changing AutoRepeat in
/etc/XF86Config seems to do nothing.

