Subject: uvm_fault with 128M RAM
To: None <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/06/1999 00:48:38
I'm testing some new systems, specifically AMD-K6-2-350

My test method has been to hook up a pre-installed 1.4 HD, and
build tcsh and perl5 from pkgsrc, simultaneously.

On 3 out of 4 machines which have 128M of RAM installed, 
I get a panic mid-build. uvm_fault, or some variation of it.

On the fourth machine (2nd in order of test) things worked 
fine. I haven't compared the BIOS settings yet, but I was 
just wondering if anything jumped to mind for someone here.
I have lots of spare parts to swap and test with in this 

David Maxwell,| -->
All this stuff in twice the space would only look half as bad!
					      - me