Subject: Re: Having trouble running pppd on tty0
To: None <>
From: Trevin Beattie <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/12/1999 07:53:11
Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> On Tue, 11 May 1999, Trevin Beattie wrote:
> > Another problem which may be related is that when I run "cu -l tty0
> > dir", it seems to connect to tty00, but anything I type has no effect on
> > the modem. If I try to exit after typing anything, cu hangs; I can exit
> > out by typing ^C^\ a few times, but often this will again result in
> > being unable to exec any more processes. (BTW, I have no idea how to
> > set the configuration for cu -- the man page mentions a configuration
> > file in /etc/uucp/config, but there is no documentation about it nor a
> > default configuration file!)
> Maybe not related. `cu' works better with "type modem" in the
> /etc/uucp/port file. Otherwise, you have to set clocal for that port from
> another terminal or xterm. There's a commented sample port file in the
> sources--you can get it off of the ftp site:
> <>.
> NetBSD 1.4 also includes the uucp info file, which has a section on cu. By
> the way, you exit cu with `~'(tilde), `.'(period).
Okay, I didn't even think to look for any .info files on this. But it
still didn't solve the problem:
uucp# diff port.orig port
< port port1
> port com0
< device /dev/ttyd0
> device /dev/tty00
< speed 2400
> speed 115200
< port port2
< device /dev/ttyd1
< dialer hayes
< speed-range 2400 9600
> #port port2
> #device /dev/ttyd1
> #dialer hayes
> #speed-range 2400 9600
uucp# cu -p com0 -x all dir
cu: fconn_open: Opening port com0 (default speed)
cu: fconn_set: Changing setting to 0, 0, 2
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "a"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "t"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "\r"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "a"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "t"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "h"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "1"
cu: fconn_write: Writing 1 "\r" Exit status 0
cu: fconn_close: Closing connection
cu: fcsend: Writing sleep sleep "+++" sleep sleep "ATH\r"
^C^\^C^\^Ccu: Got quit signal
Note the lack of any response string from the modem. By the way, after
exiting, I waited at least five seconds before typing ^C^\^C^\^C to get
One more thing: If i explicitly turn off parity (--parity=none), the
second line from cu shows a different setting (two 1's, but I forget
exactly where), but I still get the same result. (My ISP requires a
connection with 8-N-1.)