Subject: Re: help!
To: Joel Chen <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/30/1999 21:43:05
On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Joel Chen wrote:
> And I said yes to change Partition 1 and 3 and basically changed
> their sysid and commited the changes.
> Rebooted, didn't start, paniced, booted floppy, couldn't mount any of
> the
> /dev/wd0a through /dev/wd0e devices.
> Before /dev/wd0a is my root, and /dev/wd0e is my /usr.
> fdisk uses /dev/rwd0d.
> Anyways, I am pretty confused now as to which devices is which.
> I just realize that I don't even know which /dev/???? points to partion
> 0,
> partion 1, and etc.
I suspect what's happening is, it's trying to read the disklabel from
the first NetBSD partition, partition 1, and failing. I bet if you
changed the type of partition 1 to something else, you would have your
old system back.
NetBSD's partitions aren't "hard-wired" to the partiton table like
linux'. You're supposed to have only one NetBSD partition, (or the
whole disk), and then it determines the partitions using whatever you
wrote in that partition's disklabel. You can still manually add the
other partitions to your disklabel, then newfs and use them from
within NetBSD. You only need to have the partition that actually has
the label be the first one with NetBSD's type.