Subject: Re: Anyone got a particularly nice hack set?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/28/1999 16:44:14
In message <>, Andrew Brown writes:
>junk ip rules? what are they? if you mean being able to declare ip
>addresses or blocks (only "classfully") as invalid, you can do that
>via the access database (*not* the microsoft product :). just put
>something like
>131.107 REJECT
>in your access database and you won't get any more mail from
>microsoft. well...less anyway. :)
I'm using the ~ca set of checking rules, and yeah, same kind of thing, but
it's using a separate database of junk stuff.
I've become convinced 'access' should be more than one database; I was trying
to help someone set something up, and he wanted to be able to do things like
prevent a given user from *sending* mail, etc etc., and we couldn't figure
out how to distinguish between incoming and outgoing.