Subject: Re: Duplicating a HardDrive
To: Jackson Scott D. <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/28/1999 10:50:29
In message <>, "Jackson Scott D."
>I am new to the list. I am using VA Research PCs with Pentium Boards. I have
> a
>SCSI harddrive running NETBSD 1.2 for a government project. I would like to
>copy the complete contents (O/S and application) to another identical size SCS
>harddrive that is currently running WIN NT. What is the best approach to
>perform this task? Basically, I want both harddrives running the same thing s
>I can have a backup system ready to run in case the primary goes bad. Your
>comments are appreciated.
If it's *really* identical, put the new drive in the machine with a higher
SCSI id, boot single user, and
dd if=/dev/rsd0c of=/dev/rsd1c bs=64k
and sit back for a little while.
I actually used this on a box I wanted to ship with mirrored drives. Works